2.12.12 - it is very interesting that this year every time I look at the clock I see the same numbers come up! It might not be a coincidence as the 2012 Santa Cruz Poetry Festival brought poets and artists from every style, generation and cultural background together in unison to celebrate poetry. Connection and unity was in the air. The event was organized by Daniel Yaryan of the Sparring with Beatnik Ghosts events and took place at the famous Coconut Grove on the Santa Cruz boardwalk in it's beautiful cabaret theater space, complete with disco-ball! There were many local poets and publishers set up with tables next to the main theater, a full bar with food and snacks.
Ginger Murray and Marc Kockinos hosted the event and did a fantastic job. Some of our favorite poets included: Cara Vida, who also showed her paintings, Avotcja and Eugene Warren on upright bass, Jack Hirschman, Ruebi Lynn Jimenz on guitar with Steven Gray, Charles Curtis Blackwell - and our friends from the Quiet Lightening reading series. Jennifer Barone, Daniel Heffez and Geordie Van Der Bosch performed - representing the WordParty! Here's a photo of Geordie getting down on his solo set with Cara Vida's painting behind him:
Next up ::: Come on down to the WordParty at Viracocha on Tuesday February 21st for our Valentine's theme of L-O-V-E in all shapes and forms, our favorite subject!