Our August installment of the WordParty had Martin Hickel of the Sausalito reading series, Sunset Poetry by the Bay co-hosting with Jennifer Barone. He did a great job, even after being asked on the spot to jump in and help host, what a professional! Here's a pic of Martin, kicking it off right:
Some favorite and fellow poets stopped by to grace us with a poem including: Steven Gray, Sarah Page, Danilee, Matthew Rodgers and Jessie Whiley who we haven't seen in too long. Jon O read a great poem called "a snail called Muni" in which he griped about the slow service of our favorite Muni transit system. Atypcl read a harsh poem about Obama. Steven Low read a poem about receiving an unemployment letter in the mail. Cesar Love read about Oedipus. Ellerie Ballard had a very short poem "I love you, I love you too. That's enough" - very endearing. Geordie Van Der Bosch our percussionist got up and read some of Steven Gray's poems from his new book with the band. Renaldo, Buford Buntin and Justice Sweet all read new pieces! Here's a photo of one of our new favorites, Bradly Werley, reading a rap poem called the "Rahj of Love" - too funny. We love him:
September is going to be a hot month for poetry. Come on out for the next upcoming readings:
Edward Barone (Jennifer's dad) is going to be the featured poet at Caffe Roma.
Friday Sept 2nd -7pm. Open mic to follow.
Walter Gomez Jennifer Barone featuring at Fort Mason's Reader's Caffe,
hosted by Jack Hirschman Location: Readers Cafe, Fort Mason - Building C
Date: Thursday September 15th, 2011 | Time: 6:30pm
WordParty Sept. 20th Theme:100 Thousand Poets for Change! Bring your poems about what you want to change in the world and get ready to kick-off a world-wide poetry celebration.
The WordParty Joins Diamond Dave at 100 Thousand Poets for Change at City Hall:
Date: Tuesday September 24th - Location: The steps of SF City Hall | Time: TBDCheck out www.thewordparty.com for more...