Tuesday, November 20, 2007

October Events 2007

The WordParty organized some poetry events this month as well as participated in some outstanding events organized by our vibrant poetry scene co-horts. It was a collaboration of everything poetry!

Ingrid debuts Toward the Light

TOWARD THE LIGHT- A new book of poetry by Ingrid Keir debuts at Adobe Books, October 3rd, 2007

Ingrid Keir brought the Nova Jazz band with her to celebrate the release of her new book of poetry titled Toward the Light. It was an intimate and exciting reading full of friends, fellow poets and lovers of the word who came out to support and snag a personalized copy of their own.

Toward the Light was created in collaboration with Kyle Knobel who designed and also featured his photography in the book. The books are made partially with handmade paper on the inside cover which make each book unique and the covers, printed with gold foil stamp, come in four different colors.

Toward the Light is a glimmer through the authors personal history but most importantly a vibrant look toward the future. In her whimsical, dreamy verse she shares her loves, her struggles and her hopes. A beautiful book, sold at local San Francisco bookstores, go get yo-self a copy!
Phillip T Nails, kicks off Visual Voices
Jennifer & Artist
Ingrid & Artist
VISUAL VOICES - Art and poetry exhibit at ARTworkSF gallery
October 4th, 2007

Philip T. Nails, host of Amnesia's Red Light Series, poet and performer extraordinaire, invited us to take part in a very special art exhibit at ARTworkSF Gallery titled Visual Voices. Local poets were able to view fine art submissions and select their favorites to craft an original poem about the art.

The opening night was a blast! Philip lead the poets into a live performance of their work in the middle of the gallery to an enthusiastic crowd. The poets including Ingrid Keir, Jennifer Barone, Ledbetter, Steven Gray and more. We had a chance to meet the artists in person and mingle with an eclectic and vibrant crowd. It was great fun! The exhibit will be up till the end of October 07, go check it out!

Ingrid, Jennifer & Charlie @ SF Zinefest
SF ZINE FEST at the Women's Building 
October 5th and 6th, 2007

The SF ZineFest this year was so much fun! We had a table for the first time which we shared with artist Kyle Knobel and also Charlie Getter of Thursday's 16th and Mission reading series. It was full of poetry books from the poets who read at our night and we even gave live and intimate performances to those who bought our books! We also gave away some WordParty buttons and handed out fliers for our night, but most importantly we got a chance to hang out, have fun and meet lots of crafty locals who made everything from handmade bags, postcards and stationary sets to zines. It was a great time!

Jennifer outside Immigration Nation
IMMIGRATION NATION at the Brava Theater 

October 14th, 2007

Dottie Payne knows how to put on a grand performance with a cause! The Brava theater was absolutely enormous, beautiful and seamlessly organized. Some of the best and brightest from the Mission neighborhood came out to perform including Jorge Molinas, Maria Medina Serafin, Meklit and Todd from Red Poppy Arthouse and a host of musical acts. Jennifer Barone came to represent her mother land of Italy and read two pieces about her family immigrating to America and also a piece about the first time she saw the town where her family came from. It was a truly invigorating show with powerful performances and a powerful message behind it, America is an Immigration Nation!

MAPP - Candlelit room
Pablo Rosales & a pirate at MAPP

MAPP - Mission Arts and Performance Project 
October 20th, 2007

The Red Poppy Arthouse asked us to host a poetry space at the MAPP for the first time this year. Todd and Meklit graciously hooked us up with an Untitled space that is soon to be turned into a beautiful music and arthouse in the Mission run by Joe Lewis, former 16th & Mission alumni!

We gathered all our resources and friends and threw together a very last-minute, but fun-loving space to do our thing - which is perform our poetry anywhere and everywhere of course! We brought balloons, candles, candy and Bear supplied a feast for the senses of cupcakes (with the poets initials on them!) guacamole, chips, pasta salad and thensome.

Our performers were some of our closest friends and vibrant members of the local open mic scene. Charlie Getter and Guinevere helped Jennifer Barone with the hosting duties as well as perform. We had Philip T. Nails and Elisabeth Millican perform a short play about their illegal excursion to Cuba! We had Bear perform the longest and most prolific poem about cheese ever written, Cara Vida, Monique De Magdalena, Pablo Rosales, Jacques Korn, Mattie Bamman, Tatiana Molinar, Brandon Loberg, all gave us their best. Maria Medina arrived with her drum and Dottie Payne performed as Joe Lewis was holding it down with his stand-up bass.

Afterwards, we cruised on over to some of the other MAPP events. We heard a lot of music and saw some funky art. The Red Poppy Arthouse was packed with friends and there was some great music from Todd and Meklit and a lovely band names Lulacruza. Go get their album! It's beautiful.

Cameron McHenry @ the Beat Museum

Poets & Writers Series @ The Beat Museum
Featuring: Jennifer Barone, Ruby Freja and Cameron McHenry
October 25, 2007

Jennifer was lucky to be included in such an intimate and exciting reading with two very lovely up-and-coming poets and authors, Ruby Freja and Cameron McHenry. These ladies were an ear as well as an eye full, truly a night of poetry goddesses. Mark Schwartz received a grant from Poets and Writers magazine to host a series of poetry readings at the Beat Museum and managed to provide us with a sweet spot. Jessica Loos came in to host the night, the first reading ever to be in the upstairs museum. It was a truly authentic North Beach poetry experience where you never know what to expect. It was a great night to hear new poetry from some fresh local poets.